Sunday, December 13, 2009

Windows 7 complaints begin

Top 10 Windows 7 complaints            Problem % of complaints

1. Problems with installation                           31%

2. Missing applets or components                    26%

3. Aero theme is not running                           14%

4. DVD drive not found                                   8%

5. Hidden extensions                                       6%

6. Too many minidumps                                    6%

7. Aero snap problems                                     3%

8. iPhone won't sync with Windows7                2%

9. Custom icons get changed with new theme      2%

10. Taskbar problems                                        1%

 I havent had a chance to check out Windows 7 yet, but here are some comments about it
"Most of the problems that customers have with Windows 7 have to do with installation, or application and data migration," said Vishal Dhar, co-founder of iYogi. "These are all fixable problems, but they're annoyances and they're time consuming."

Most common among those complaints was that basic "applet" programs, like Mail, Movie Maker and Photo Gallery, were missing. That's because Windows 7 deletes those programs and makes users download them from the Windows Live Essential Web site. IYogi said 26% of their customers were confused about that extra step.

According to Zeus Kerravala, an analyst at Yankee Group, one of the biggest annoyances with the new operating system is that the "ribbon menus" at the top of programs have been redesigned and must be relearned. In previous Windows versions, the menus remained very consistent (File, Edit, View, Insert, etc.), but in Windows 7, they can be wildly different from application to application.

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