Friday, December 4, 2009

It Knows If You've Been Speeding

The everyday act of driving suffers from a feedback gap.

Yahoo! Buzz FacebookMySpace Mixx Digg Reddit Furl Ma.gnolia SphereStumbleUponCLOSESure, there are immediate signs when you're not doing something right, like when the rumble strips jolt you awake as you distractedly drift to the side of road. But more often, our only feedback comes in the form of run-ins with the law. I recently picked up a traffic ticket—my first in almost a decade—for driving 68 mph on the 45 mph Goethals Bridge (which, as I now know, is radar-controlled). Running late for the airport, I knew I was I driving faster than I should have been but never would have guessed by how much. My feedback came in the form of a $200 ticket and the officer's gentle reproach: "You were a little hot on the gas pedal there, Thomas."

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