Tuesday, April 27, 2010

R.A the Rugged Man feat Jedi Mind Tricks - Uncommon Valor

T.I. - I'm Back

HipHopDx.com album Review ....B.o.B. - The Adventures of Bobby Ray

In the tech world, porn quietly leads the way


In the technology worlds, it's an open secret that porn it always on the cutting edge

Days after iPad release, major porn company announced way to stream videos on it

Porn's on cutting edge because of deep pockets, need to find creative outlets, experts say

Tech companies internally acknowledge porn's impact, but stay quiet in public


Malcolm X killer freed after 44 years


NEW: Thomas Hagan walks out of Lincoln Correctional Facility at 11 a.m.

Hagan set free a day earlier than expected; he's the only confessed killer of Malcolm X

Hagan, 69, has been in a work-release program the past two decades

Hagan told parole board he killed Malcolm X over his split with Nation of Islam


Chris Brown - Holla At Me ft. Tyga

Young Jeezy ft. Plies - Lose My Mind ( Official Music Video )

'Diva Shit' TranceBates Ft. Kev Supreme

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Music Videos

Hadron Collider breakthrough as beams collide


Large Hadron Collider to begin smashing proton beams at high speed

$10 billion research tool back online after tech glitches caused 18-month delay

Scientists hope project will prove existence of Higgs boson "God particle"


Ferrari 599XX

Adult rated, for sure. Ferrari's 720-hp gentleman's racer makes no sense. Except it will make the author and 29 rich guys go ecstatic. Which makes perfect sense.


World Exclusive! 2012 Lexus LFA Tested

  Finally, the yammering and chin pulling is over. It’s time to see if Lexus’s long-time-coming LFA supercar makes supercar numbers. We’ve strapped on the gear, we’ve burned the gas, and we’ve sorted the data. And as far as we know, we’re the first to have done so.  Proving that it still has plenty of budget, Lexus parent Toyota jetted one of the prototypes of the $375,000 carbon-fiber LFA across the Pacific, put it solo into an enormous truck with enough empty space to hold another six or eight LFAs, and hauled it to Arizona for us. Toyota’s own Phoenix-area proving ground being closed to visitors and especially closed to media, we went over to the Nissan Technical Center North America’s 3050-acre facility in Stanfield, Arizona, about 40 minutes south of Phoenix, where Nissan happily rents track time to anyone who’s paying.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

GM Unveils Future City Car in Shanghai Part 2(Pics)

GM Unveils Future City Car in Shanghai

The city car of the future will seat two people, run on electric power and communicate with other vehicles to reach a destination faster while automatically avoiding traffic tie-ups and crashes. General Motors, working with electric-scooter maker Segway, has developed three concepts tailored toward that vision of future transportation. The Electric Networked Vehicle, or EN-V, concepts go on display May 1 at the World Expo in Shanghai.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Young Money - Roger That

Mz Pebblez has ass galore

Kev Supreme & TranceBates in "The Sonic Run"

Chile earthquake may have shortened days

The massive 8.8 earthquake that struck Chile may have changed the entire Earth's rotation and shortened the length of days on our planet, a NASA scientist said Monday.

The quake, the seventh strongest earthquake in recorded history, hit Chile Saturday and should have shortened the length of an Earth day by 1.26 milliseconds, according to research scientist Richard Gross at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.

"Perhaps more impressive is how much the quake shifted Earth's axis," NASA officials said in a Monday update.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Top 10 Most Dangerous Foods

1. Hot Dogs

In a new paper, the American Academy of Pediatrics says hot dogs are also a choking hazard to children and should come with a warning label. About 17% of food-related asphyxiations in those younger than 10 are caused by hot dogs, according to a 41-state study cited in the paper.

2. Fugu

Served in paper-thin slices by expert chefs, fugu combines luxury with a high-stakes gamble. The intestines, ovaries and liver of fugu (or blowfish) contain a poison called tetrodotoxin, which is 1,200 times deadlier than cyanide. The toxin is so potent that a lethal dose is smaller than the head of a pin, and a single fish has enough poison to kill 30 people.

3. Ackee

In Jamaica, the ackee fruit is a mixed blessing. Though originally native to West Africa, it migrated to Jamaica in 1778 and is now the country's national fruit. If improperly eaten, though, ackee can cause what has been dubbed the Jamaican Vomiting Sickness — which, other than the self-explanatory symptoms, can lead to coma or death. Unripe ackee fruit contains a poison called hypoglycin, so preparers must be careful to wait until the fruit's protective pods turn red and open naturally.

4. Peanut Panic

Don't let Mr. Peanut's top hat and monocle fool you — beneath that gentlemanly exterior lies one deadly little nut if you're one of the roughly 1% of the population that has a peanut allergy. It's the most common cause of food-allergy deaths, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology.

5. Leafy Greens

Leafy greens — including spinach, lettuce, cabbage, arugula and kale — were listed as the riskiest foods of 2009, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, which is regulated by the FDA. The group identified 363 separate outbreaks linked to the veggies last year; 240 of those cases were linked to food from restaurants.

6. Rhubarb

Rhubarb, the vegetable so celebrated for its role in pastries that it's also known as the "pie plant," has a kick to it. While rhubarb has a medicinal history originating in Asia, ingesting a large amount of the leaves can cause poisoning.

7. Tuna

tuna has become one of the most widely consumed fish in the world. It also has one of the worst reputations. A well-publicized 2004 U.S. government advisory warned consumers against eating too much of the fish out of concern that the high mercury levels could damage the nervous system and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

8. Cassava

Better known to Americans as tapioca, the pudding favorite is produced from the roots of this bush-like plant. But the crop can have deadly consequences. If prepared incorrectly, the cassava plant can produce cyanide, a deadly compound when consumed.

9. Coffee

Aside from the possibility of increased heart rate, trouble sleeping and discoloration of teeth, there's another a way that a cup of joe can be detrimental to your well being. Call it the burned-crotch effect or the java jump and jive, because when that hot liquid hits your lap, you'll stop at nothing to end the pain.

10. Mushrooms

Aside from hallucinogenic properties, mushrooms can also kill. Varieties like the Death Cap, Destroying Angels and Deadly Webcap are highly poisonous and capable of inducing death


KGUN talks with the owner of the world's tallest dog, a Great Dane, standing 3 feet, 7 inches, a Guinness World Record.

Kanye West - Coldest Winter

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The men behind famous diseases

1. Crohn's disease

The inflammatory digestive disease could just have easily ended up with the name Ginzburg's disease or Oppenheimer's disease. In 1932, three New York physicians named Burrill Bernard Crohn, Leon Ginzburg, and Gordon Oppenheimer published a paper describing a new sort of intestinal inflammation. Since Crohn's name was listed first alphabetically, the condition ended up bearing his name.

2. Salmonellosis
Yes, the salmonella menace that haunts undercooked chicken is named after a person. Daniel Elmer Salmon was a veterinary pathologist who ran a USDA microorganism research program during the late 19th century.
Although Salmon didn't actually discover the type of bacterium that now bears his name -- famed epidemiologist Theobald Smith isolated the bacteria in 1885 -- he ran the research program in which the discovery occurred. Smith and his colleagues named the bacteria salmonella in honor of their boss.

3. Parkinson's disease
James Parkinson was a busy fellow. While the English apothecary had a booming medical business, he also dabbled in geology, paleontology, and politics; Parkinson even published a three-volume scientific study of fossils. Following a late-18th-century foray into British politics where he advocated a number of social causes and found himself briefly ensnared in an alleged plot to assassinate King George III, Parkinson turned his attention to medicine. Parkinson did some research on gout and peritonitis, but it was his landmark 1817 study "An Essay on the Shaking Palsy" that affixed his name to Parkinson's disease.

4. Huntington's disease
George Huntington wasn't the most prolific researcher, but he made his papers count. In 1872, a fresh-out-of-med-school Huntington published one of two research papers he would write in his life. In the paper, Huntington described the effects of the neurodegenerative disorder that now bears his name after examining several generations of family that all suffered from the genetic condition.

5. Alzheimer's disease
In 1901, German neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer began observing an odd patient at a Frankfurt asylum. The 51-year-old woman, Mrs. Auguste Deter, had no short-term memory and behaved strangely. When Mrs. Deter died in 1906, Alzheimer began to dissect the patient's brain, and he presented his findings that November in what was the first formal description of presenile dementia.

6. Tourette syndrome
Credit George Gilles de la Tourette for his modesty. When the French neurologist first described the illness that now bears his name in 1884, he didn't name it after himself. Instead, he referred to the condition as "maladie des tics." Tourette's mentor and contemporary Jean-Martin Charcot renamed the illness after Tourette.Tourette didn't have such great luck with patients, though. In 1893, a deluded former patient shot the doctor in the head. The woman claimed that she lost her sanity after Tourette hypnotized her. Tourette survived the attack.

7. Hodgkin's lymphoma
British pathologist Thomas Hodgkin first described the cancer that now bears his name while working at Guy's Hospital in London in 1832. Hodgkin published the study "On Some Morbid Appearances of the Absorbent Glands and Spleen" that year, but the condition didn't bear his name until a fellow physician, Samuel Wilks, rediscovered Hodgkin's work.

8. Bright's disease
The kidney disease bears the name of Richard Bright, an English physician and colleague of Hodgkin's at Guy's Hospital. Bright began looking into the causes of kidney trouble during the 1920s, and in 1927 he described an array of kidney ailments that eventually became known as Bright's disease. Today, doctors understand many of the symptoms historically clumped together as Bright's disease are in fact different maladies, so the term is rarely used.

9. Addison's disease
Guy's Hospital was apparently the place to work in the 19th century if you wanted to have a disease named after you. Thomas Addison, a colleague of Bright and Hodgkin at Guy's Hospital, first described the adrenal disorder we call Addison's disease in 1855. On top of this discovery, Addison also published an early study of appendicitis.

10. Tay-Sachs disease
Although both of their names are attached to this genetic disorder, Warren Tay and Bernard Sachs didn't work together. In fact, they didn't even work in the same country. Tay, a British opthalmologist, first described the disease's characteristic red spot on the retina in 1881. In 1887 Bernard Sachs, a colleague of Burrill Crohn at Mount Sinai Hospital, described the cellular effects of the disease and its prevalence among Ashkenazi Jews.

11. Turner syndrome
The chromosomal disorder got its name from Oklahoma doctor Henry Turner, who first described the condition in 1938.

12. Klinefelter's syndrome
The genetic condition in which males have an extra X chromosome bears the name of Harry Klinefelter, a young Boston endocrinologist who published a landmark study while working under the tutelage of endocrinology star Dr. Fuller Albright in 1942. Albright pushed his young protégé to be the lead author of the paper that described the condition, so the young Klinefelter's name is forever associated with the syndrome.

13. Asperger's syndrome
Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger first described the syndrome that now bears his name in 1944 after observing a group of over 400 children who suffered from what Asperger described as "autistic psychopathy." Interestingly, since Asperger's research was all written in German, his contributions to the literature went unrecognized until much later. The term "Asperger's syndrome" didn't come into widespread usage until 1981.


Verizon smartphones to get Skype app

Verizon Wireless and Skype announced a partnership Tuesday to bring the Internet calling service to nine of the carrier's 3G smartphones beginning in March.

With the free Skype Mobile application, Verizon (VZ, Fortune 500) smartphone users can make and receive unlimited free calls to other users who have Skype.

They can also use it to call any international phone number at Skype's standard rates, which are much lower than Verizon's international wireless calling rates. Calls abroad through Skype start at 2.1 cents per minute, and monthly unlimited packages are also available. The app will also let Skype users exchange instant messages.

"With any partnership, we're looking to do what our consumers want. In this case, they asked for Skype to be untethered from their PCs," Skype's chief executive, Josh Silverman, told CNNMoney.com.

Skype Mobile will be available on nine of Verizon's 3G smartphones: Research in Motion's (RIMM) BlackBerry Storm, Storm 2, Curve 8330, Curve 8530, 8830 World Edition, and Tour 9630; Motorola's (MOT, Fortune 500) Droid and Devour; and HTC's Droid Eris.



Melanie Fiona - You Stop My Heart

MELANIE FIONA " YOU STOP MY HEART" from Paradoxal Inc on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


do u make love or do u fuck? Or does it depend on the person?

i do both during sex.. n yes it depends on how i feel about u, which will determine what u would get more of..

Ask me anything


Whats your nationality?

blk, native american & white

Ask me anything


Continued: ...And a heavy load to bear, and its a long long way to heaven, but I gotta get there. Can you send an angel to guide me? Who is this from?

i dont know, kinda sound like some deep drake shit, but i dont know

Ask me anything


would you stop talking to a girl if she just wanted sex from you?

prolly not

Ask me anything


Im not sayin im a virgin but y dnt u lik virgins?

thats more so on the sexual side... that it time consuming n clingy...... but outside of sex they kool

Ask me anything


Wat do u think about virgins?

ummm aint got the time... but they kool

Ask me anything


If I remember correctly its Nas "Untitled"...ready for the next one?


Ask me anything


how do you figure I have the problem? How you figure a nigga aint get mad cuz a chick just wanted to fuck?

cuz a problem starts with the person speaking on the problem... if u didnt see it as a problem u wouldnt ask the question.... thats possible, but havent everyone gotten mad cuz someone didnt some shit they didnt like or agree with. so what im saying is u make it a problem not another person.

Ask me anything


Naw, that one was Nas too... Want another one?

what song is that from? yea

Ask me anything


Why can a guy be all about sex but when a girl do it...its a problem?

cuz u think its a problem when a girl does it

Ask me anything


"I'm never gonna die, never heard of death, energy can never be destroyed only the flesh, so when you try to murder my with bullets to the head this is why you can't kill me niggas I'm already dead"... who is this from??????


Ask me anything


:) Yea it was Nas....

im nice

Ask me anything


How come ur vikings didnt beat the saints?? Oh ok.. :)

cuz it was drew brees destiny to win the superbowl

Ask me anything


When was the last time you were in love?

hmmm 2008

Ask me anything


"Shit is a hassle, the bridge is like a haunted castle, the mic's my religion the system is the devil's lasso"....who is this quote from?

im not sure.. but its has to be nas????

Ask me anything


TJ imma need to know why all your nasty formspring ???s are taken up my fb home page! Lol

idk... i just answer them...LMAO

Ask me anything


Do u think its tru tht a guy respects a girl more if she dnt give it up or duz it just make them mad.

he will get mad but i personally will respect u more.. i just get mad when i dont get what i want when i want it

Ask me anything


Smh I see their starting to ask you crazy questions. I knew it was a matter of time.. Lol.

tru.. i was gettin some good ones, but this shit toook a left turn ... SMDH

Ask me anything


Face down, ass up?? lol

all day shorty

Ask me anything


Lil'Wayne had bitch named Keisha who was a real dickpleaser who is yours lol?

a chick named Miss. Dash

Ask me anything


Gud 2 c we'r on d same page, so wen we doin dis?

when u tell me who u are

Ask me anything


Wana play hide n seek, find wer I put the mardi gras beads...


Ask me anything


Im exactly who you want me to be

hmmm so how u been Miss. Keys

Ask me anything


I used to like you when we were younger, you think I got a chance now?

depends on who u are

Ask me anything


Where u think :) ?

ur ass?

Ask me anything


Wld u smack me til I vibrate while my forehead on ya abdomen?

smack u how? where?

Ask me anything


If we wer fucking n I needed 2 catch my breath wld u put ur dick in my mouth n tell me to inhale slowly?

seeing how u already know the method to catching ur breath then i wouldnt need to ask.... i hope this is a female tho.

Ask me anything


If I stick a popslice in my pussy den let it melt, wld u eat me n suck out the juices =P ?

u sound like a kinky ass freak....... but yea.

Ask me anything


What you doin

eating.. u?

Ask me anything


Arre u in love right now???


Ask me anything

TranceBates 'Motivation'


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


How many girls do you have in your bed in the typical week?

1.... and its the same one every week.

Ask me anything


whats up

aint shit, whats up wih u?

Ask me anything

Monday, February 15, 2010




Ask me anything


Imagine that your in a dark room with no windows or doors. You dont know how you got there. How do you feel? List 3 things that describe how you feel. (after this I'll tell you where I was going with this)

trapped, curious, blah

Ask me anything


Think of your favorite body of water. It could be a lake, ocean, waterfall or anything you can think of. List three characteristics describing it.

relaxing, clear, warm

Ask me anything


Think of your favorite animal. Without telling me what it is. list 3 characteristics describing it.

bold, intimidating, power

Ask me anything


Think of you favorite color, don't tell me what it is. List 3 characteristics (spell check) describing that color. ( I am going somewhere with this)

bold, fearless, wrathful

Ask me anything


Ok fine....missionary.... what's your rap name? Do u have one?


Ask me anything


lol Nooo, ask me something.

i just did...

Ask me anything


Ok now do me

doggystyle or missionary?

Ask me anything


R u sick of answering questions yet?


Ask me anything


Pretty or nice body?

hmmm pretty

Ask me anything


Light skin or Dark Skin?

light skin

Ask me anything


Would u rather have a prissy high maintence girl that felt like she was a celebrity but was real pretty and could dress well? or a more down to earth rider who was also bad but without all the make up and expensive bags and what not?

the bad chick without makeup

Ask me anything


Phat butt or Big chest?

phat butt

Ask me anything


Since your into music, can you quote a memorable (spell check) line or verse that sticks out in your head?

"It's a thin line between paper and hate
friends and snakes, nine millis and thirty-eights
Hell or the pearly gates; I was destined to come
Predicted, blame God, he blew breath in my lungs
Second to none, wicked turn wives to widows
Shoot through satin pillows, the desolate one
Took a little time to claim my spot
Chairman of the board until this game stop, and I side with the Lord
Ride for the cause while drivin niggas shot at my doors
Plottin I'm sure to catch me with they glocks to my jaws
Tried, stickin me up, but I flipped on these ducks (you tried)
Instead of me, ambulances were picking them up (that's what you get)
Niggas fear what they don't understand, hate what they can't conquer
Guess it's just the fury of man
Became a monster, on top of the world, never fallin
I'm as real as they come, from day one, forever ballin" Nas

Ask me anything


Ok so back to this rapping thing. Do you market/promote yourself as a rapper? Or do you portray another image?

i do market myself as a rapper, but i also portray the image of a entertainer

Ask me anything


Can I borrow a G till next week?

can i fuck u everday till next month?

Ask me anything


Tj if God was to come to Earth today to pass judgement, what do you think he'd say to you? Honestly?

nigga u fucked up many times but u never lost sight of who i am...

Ask me anything


Your background is creeping me out....anyway, How do you feel about the rumors about JayZ bein a devil worshiper?

lmao... i think people need shit to talk about...

Ask me anything


Ok, now I'm back...smh. I know a lot of "rappers" in Bmore. Now I know you rap, what sets u apart from the other rappers in bmore?

1) i dont sound like the typical bmore rapper 2) i feel the crew im around have a very distinct sound Thanks 2 KevSupreme on the track 3) no one has lived my life.

Ask me anything


Do you think vaginas are ugly? I do.

like 90% are...

Ask me anything


Are my questions bothering you?

naw i rather enjoy them

Ask me anything


Do you believe your dreams tell you things subconsciously? Or are they just hidden desires or fears?

both.. to ignore ur dreams is to ignore who u are outside ur conscious mind.

Ask me anything


Why is it that you can't see feelings? I mean, your heart can feel like its breaking and you cry when your sad. But no one can physically see your feelings (like if they were to cut u open). Why does it hurt so bad but yet no one can see it?

thats why it hurts so bad cuz its not a physical thing... its really all in ur mind of how u react to certain things... 7 how u think ur suppose to feel about things

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I never cared about a mans money, but I know financial stability is important. As a man, would you rather have a women who don't need yoou? Or a women who needs your help?

a woman who can accent my money as i accent hers.. so its better to have a independent woman

Ask me anything


I need some advice. I usually lose interest in men that come on too strong, but recently a friend told me that if a man really likes me he's gonna want to be around me. What do you think? Is a clingy man a bad sign?

a man always wanting to be around u is subjective.. he might be trying to get some pussy n thats his game or he might really like u....... yes, that means hes focused too much on u and not enought on himself meaning he's looking to u for his happiness when he cant find it in himself first

Ask me anything


Do you believe that men love different from women?

yea... love in general is like clothes but u know u got men clothes n women clothes... n each type accent what the male has to offer n what the female have to offer

Ask me anything


Do you think real love makes you wanna die if your not with that person? Or is that obsession?

thats obession

Ask me anything


Do you ever get tired of trying?

naw... God said never give up

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


You come off very strong about your views, but other times you seem very sad and lost. Why?

i have my moments... thats just me not being all the way myself yet

Ask me anything


If you could be anywhere, where would you be? (Corny I know)lol

wherever alicia keys is right now

Ask me anything


Who does your tattoos?

the most recent one's been done by this guy up mr. b's tattoos

Ask me anything


why do you say some of theeee dumbest things on facebook?i'm just curious

1 man's dumbest shit is another man's intelligent shit

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


why is everyone asking you these questions like you know everything there is to know about everything?

its not that i know everything about everything, its that im a very interesting person in which people feel the need to ask about certain things... i dont know everything but i know that i know what i need to know when i need to know it.

Ask me anything


What is your view on interracial relationships?

one part of me hates it... but overall i feel every person has the right to choose who they want to be with based on the love n happiness that person brings them no matter the race.... honestly it is what it is... alot of people who dont venture outside the race miss out on alot...

Ask me anything


what do you think about aries and geminis?

aries are kool, very passionate, strong willed even if they dont let it be known, great sex partners, n keep me on my toes...

look at the last question for geminis

Ask me anything


well they asked you about all these other signs...what about Gemini women?

well gemini's can blend into their environment so they are never out of place... they seem fun n easy going, they are intellectual n deep but also shallow n ditzy... me being a sadge... gemini's compliment everything i lack

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


what do you think about scorpios??

silent freaks... they kool, i fall inbetween scorpio & sadge so i have both traits but they passionate about their family, really chilled relaxed people until they get up in arms about shit...

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


is this formspring shit getting lame yet?

actually no, because people seem to really be interested in what i think, so they asking good questions n not stupid sex ones

Ask me anything


first let me say you express in words, how i feel in mind so thank you. from all the pain and suffering you've endured, what has been your biggest accomplishments? how did you overcome your obstacles?

ur welcome.... biggest accomplishment is still having the ability to hold onto my imagination... i embraced the emotions i felt during those times, i went thru the rollarcoaster n just rode it out... it never is over but as u get older u manage to see them before they come ...

Ask me anything


Do you have any fears? If so what?

i dont like being judged.... i hate when people judge me without understanding me... plus i fear being as great as people think i am..

Ask me anything


wats ur veiw on pisces woman??

i have to ever come across one... so i dont really know

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


You have a very unique personality. The way you think differs from a lot of men ur age. And I find that quite attractive. :-)

thank u, but the way i think is influenced by alot of pain n mental suffering.

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


Its me again...still can't sleep. You know your a lot smarter than you look. (please don't be offended). Anyway, do you believe in Greek Mythology? You know, all that stuff aut the different Gods?

just like any religion, God only wants u to have that connection with him and the world u live in so any thing that connects u to his world he supports

Ask me anything


I can't sleep, so I'm on formspring asking random questions that come to my head at 3:18 am. Anyway,since your into astrology, what do you think about Leo women????

i havent really studied too much on leo women.. but i believe their very strong in their beliefs about certain things

Ask me anything


The fountains mingle with the river And the rivers with the ocean,The winds of Heaven mix forever With a sweet emotion;Nothing in the world is single; All things by a law divineIn one spirit meet and mingle. Why not I with thine?

what the fuck are u talking about?

Ask me anything


why is your grammar and spelling so absolutely horrible??

im a sadge, i focus more on the big picture (which is the idea) than the little one(which is grammer)..... thats why people always never understand me, but hey i dont give a fuck

Ask me anything

Friday, February 12, 2010

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Do you consider yourself a player cause you mess with a lot of different girls?

i like entering the minds of a lot of gilrs, being the object of their affection... but its all for the science of understanding people

Ask me anything


Do you thnk its possible 2 fall in love with someone u never even met or rely had a conversation with. But u c there intellect n u like it?

with that u fall in love with the idea of them, not really them as a whole

Ask me anything


Favorite part of a female?

hmmmm eyes, hair, lips, ass, and pussy ... of nipples 2

Ask me anything


What do you look for in a woman?

caring like my mother, but also a woman thats in her own world n paints a picture for all to see creative-ly

Ask me anything


What is your obsession with eyes?

eyes dont lie.... and its God watching over his children... so u cant hide evil any where cuz he is always watching.

Ask me anything


Do you eat pussy?

does it snow in a blizzard????

Ask me anything


What would you change about the world?

too much to go into detail, but people should have a very direct connection with God and this earth...

Ask me anything


If you could meet anybody dead or alive who would it be?

same cooke & huey p. newton & nostradamus

Ask me anything


What do u think about a girl who cusses alot?

its kool, just kinda un lady like i believe

Ask me anything


Where do you see yourself in 10 yrs?

a celebrated figure in the rebuilding of this world

Ask me anything


Are u the shit?

yes i am lmao

Ask me anything


What made you get into music?

nas stillmatic 2001

Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/TranceBates


Ok last one, lol sorry I'm bored. Ok sooo.... have you ever been in love? If so, how did you feel? I figured since you are very articulate, you can describe the feeling. :-)

i been in love 4 times so far.... the first time was a puppy love, where i was blind to the reality of life.. second time it was a family love, u know the idea of starting a family and really chasing my dreams... third love was a mental love, i just loved the way she catered to my mind... 4th time it was physical love... the sex was just great to the point of it leveling out everything else

Ask me anything


Ok, so I have asked you a lot of questions on this formspring thing. I'm pretty sure more than half of these questions are mine lol. Anyway, do you believe in astrology? Do you really think its real?

yes i believe in it... n i thinks its as real as money or any other material object u believe in... i think astrology is a great way to understand different types of people..

Ask me anything


Do you believe that there is "one" person out there for everybody? Or do you think you can find true love in many different places?

i believe u find tru love in many different places... depends on what ur looking for out of life really... but i think everybody haS more than one person...

Ask me anything


do you have nice teeth?

yes very nice teeth..

Ask me anything